Visit managetickets.com
There, you will be able to view and print your tickets, as well as check the statuses of your tickets using the Ticket Check® feature.
Call 1-877-811-7701
Check the statuses of your tickets using the Ticket Check® feature.
Required by Law
On June 1, 2012 all New York 811 members will be required by law to respond to all tickets/mark outs through the Automated Positive Response System also known as Ticket Check (APR). Ticket Check (APR) was established by New York 811 to create a single point of contact between member facility operators and excavators for the purpose of communicating the status of an excavation location request/markout as provided by the member operators.
Ticket Check® will recognize state holidays and will not calculate Saturday and Sunday as working days. New York 811 working days are Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
As an excavator, you can contact Ticket Check® by calling a special toll-free number, 1-877-811-7701. A voice will prompt you through the steps to retrieve statuses on your tickets/mark outs. You may also use Search & Status® by going to managetickets.com to view/print tickets and their Ticket Check® statuses.
For further information on how to utilize this system, contact New York 811 Member Support at (631) 778-8111 or [email protected]. You are also welcome to attend our monthly New York 811 damage prevention meetings where this topic will be, and has been, discussed in depth. Please visit newyork-811.com for meeting times/locations.
New York Ticket Check Rules and Requirements
New York business days = Monday through Friday from 7am-5pm ET excluding holidays. Tickets taken afterhours and on holidays are treated as if they were taken the following business morning at 7am.
Ticket Due Behavior:
Default Due Date and Time — Tickets are due full two business days from the call date, not counting date of call. Tickets are considered past due to Ticket Check for all headers on the third business day following the date of the original call at 7am or the start date entered by the excavator on the ticket whichever is greater. Note that excavators cannot set the start date beyond when Ticket Check would lock the ticket. If the original call date and time is outside of the New York business days and hours (between 5pm and midnight M-F and all day holidays and weekends), the clock should be advanced to the next business day as if the ticket was taken the following business morning.
Lock Behavior:
- Default Lock — Tickets lock ten business days following the default due date and time (noted above) or the start date and time entered on the ticket, whichever is
GREATER. This behavior is be used unless specified below.
- Emergency header tickets lock ten business days from the start date and time listed on the ticket; This will typically be less than the default lock date and time.
- Design header tickets will lock fifteen business days following the start date and time on the ticket.
All ticket headers should be accessible to status on Ticket Check.
Locator’s Status Codes:
Code 1: Clear/No Conflict — Facilities are not in conflict with the excavation site. Code 2: Marked — Facilities have been marked according to the excavation location.
Code 3: Marked – Critical Facilities in Area — Critical Facilities are in the area of your excavation site.
Code 4: 48-Hour Delay — Member is requesting a 48 hour locate extension.
Code 5: Not Complete/In Progress — Facility Owner has spoken with the Excavator and has agreed to this message.
Code 9: Marked Up To Privately Owned Utility — Facility has been marked up to the privately owned property or utility.
Code 10: Incorrect Address Information — Address information provided is not correct, call the center to reschedule.
Code 11: Installation, Maps or Other Documentation Has Been Provided. — Maps or other documentation has been provided to the excavator.
Code 12: Locator Could Not Gain Access to Property. — Arrange with Locator/Utility Owner to provide access to excavation site.
Code 13: No Locate – Contractor Work Completed. — Contractor work was complete before the mark out was completed.
Code 14: No Locate – Locator/Utility Owner Requests Meeting with Excavator. — Contractor work was complete before the mark out was completed.
DESIGN Header Ticket Statuses:
Code 21: Design Request Completed (Marked with Paint and/or Flags)
Code 22: Design Request Completed (As-built drawings, sketches and/or utility maps provided)
Code 23: Design Request Completed (Clear/No Conflict within the scope of the Design) Rules for locators use of the status codes:
- If code 1 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 2 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 3 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 4 is selected, it can only be updated to any code except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 5 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 9 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 10 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 11 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 12 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 13 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 14 is selected, it can be changed to any status except codes 4, 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- For all ticket headers except Design, if the ticket is not coded with a status by the due date and time, the locator can status with any code EXCEPT code 4 (48-hour delay).
- Design header tickets can only be statused to codes 21, 22 and The other status codes cannot be used for Design header tickets and these Design header statuses cannot be used for any other ticket type.
- If code 21 is selected, it can be only be changed to codes 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 22 is selected, it can be only be changed to codes 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
- If code 23 is selected, it can be only be changed to codes 21, 22 or 23 until the ticket is locked.
Locator’s Status Comments:
Status Comments may be added to all Ticket Check response codes as follows:
Upload with status via ftp and/or web, user ONLY; not the IVR One Status Comment permitted per status code. Only when a status code is inserted should any comments also be inserted. If a status fails to be inserted based on the Ticket Check rules, a comment for that status code should also fail.
Status Comments are restricted to a maximum of 200 characters each.
Cancellation Tickets:
When the ticket is cancelled in the center, the ticket will be ‘frozen’ so that members cannot update the ticket statuses.
No Responses:
On only ROUTINE, ROUTINE-WED.-WEEKEND and DEMOLITION header tickets, No Response tickets are processed and transmitted to the call center’s PRISM database for transmission to the owner member when the ticket is considered ‘past due’ as described above. For example, tickets taken on Monday at 12:00pm must have a valid Ticket Check status code by 12:00pm Thursday to avoid a No Response. If the excavator set the start date to Friday at 11:00am, since the start date is beyond the 3rd business day, the No Response should be transmitted on Friday at 11:00am.
A subsequent No Response will be processed and sent every business until the ticket is locked OR until the ticket is coded with status code 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, whichever comes first.
If a 48-hour delay is requested and there is not an updated response/status for that owner member district code 48-hours (business days) beyond the date and time the ticket is considered past due, an initial No Response ticket will be sent to the affected owner member district code. Subsequent No Responses will be sent each day unless the ticket is coded with a valid status code or locked.
Status Information Delivery to Excavators:
Notification to the excavator is handled as follows:
- If there is a properly formatted email address on the ticket then the system will attempt to deliver the status information via email.
- If an email address is not in the correct format or blank but there is a fax number listed on the ticket, a fax will be sent. The system will attempt to transmit the automated fax. Should the attempt be unsuccessful, the system will attempt to deliver the fax as many as three times ten minutes apart.
- If neither an email nor fax number is on the ticket, the status information will not be It will be available via the toll free telephone number (877-811-7701) or on Search & Status®.
Note that any “Status Comment” posted with a Ticket Check status will be transmitted via email or fax but may not be available for playback on the IVR.
Notification is sent when one of the following occurs:
- When the ticket goes ‘past due’ OR when all members provide a status to the ticket, whichever comes first.
- Subsequent email or fax will be transmitted if any of the members on the ticket change their status.
- If the excavator does not receive an email or fax, they must call Ticket Check® at
877-811-7701 or visit www.managetickets.com to retrieve the status of the ticket prior to starting an excavation.
Search & Status:
- All New York tickets should appear on Search & The statuses and any “Status Comment” posted should appear for all ticket headers.